Jellybean, our first dog.

Jellybean was our first arrival. She showed up in our garage on December 19, 2020.  Miyagi , my husband, found her running around.  Very playful and adorable was this little dog. Moreover, with tail wagging from excitement, she wouldn’t leave our garage.  She was running around in circle, almost as if she was encouraging us to play with her. Consequently, we sat down and played with her for awhile.  We could see the collar marks on her neck and came to the conclusion that she was recently “let go” by someone. 

It wasn’t long before we fell in love with her.  Pretty soon, she settled down and sat in a spot right beneath my chair. I started petting her head and it seems that she liked it alot. At the end of that play session, I looked at Miyagi.  We were both thinking the same thing: let’s adopt her.  Alas, she was the start of our furry family.

We decided to keep her forever

Jellybean is just a fun-loving dog looking for a forever home.  From day one, she liked Miyagi and me. She would come up to us and put her little paws on our legs. That just made me want to hold her, play with her and let her know that she has a forever home now and will never have to fend for herself in the streets ever again. Because she is so cute and adorable, I could not phantom how anyone could have abandoned her to the streets.

Bonding with Jellybean almost immediately took little effort. Therefore, she became very protective of me.  Soon she would follow me everywhere. And if I go to another room and Jellybean could see me no more, she would bark to let me know she wants to be with me.

Fun Facts about Jellybean

I was not sure what Jellybean’s breed was, but thought she might be half Chihuahua and half German shepherd.  She has a very strong bark.  In additions, she loves belly rubs, chasing flies, and protecting me from on-coming predatory chickens.  For treats, Jellybean would go to papa. However, for hugs and kisses, she would go to me, her mama.  Some fun facts about Jellybean is that she is about 3 years old, and has big, beautiful brown eyes.   Her favorite food is chicken. Also, we found out she is an artist at heart. Allow me to share with you her recent project. She gave my house slippers a new look.

Jellybean became like a daughter to us. Therefore, we always think about how to best provide for her. We bought her toys, treats, pet beds. She became the baby in the family. I often hug her, pet her and give her kisses on her forehead. However, Jellybean needs extra attention and care as she seems to be very attached to me. Furthermore, she needs lots of belly rubs. As the days go by, my husband and I began to love Jellybean more and more each day. Before we met her, I didn’t even know that it was possible for a human being to love an animal this much. But now I know. And she makes my husband and me laugh all the time. Just look at the way she sleeps on the bed.

Jellybean for now and for life

And Jellybean will be in our family for the rest of her life. She is full of wonderful surprises and just adds to the dynamics in the household. Truly, I don’t know what I would do if she was taken away from us. We had her for one whole year before deciding to take in other dogs to add to our furry family. Jellybean helped start our journey to become parents of many more dogs.

Jellybean is fart-free. But if your dog isn’t, click here for a product that can help.

Honeygirl, the sweetheart

Honeygirl, the sweetheart is a white Terrier Mix.   She is quiet, non-demanding and the sweetest lap dog in town. All she wants is to be on your lap. She likes lots of petting and lots of attention. Unlike Jellybean and Cocoabean, her daily aspiration is to sit next to Miyagi or on his lap so that she can get pet by him..  Because Honeygirl is so attached to papa, she is papa’s favorite.  He picks her up and puts her on his lap whenever possible and she just lays there in dog heaven.  She can be there for hours and often ends up falling asleep because she feels so safe with papa.  At family time, she is always the first one ready. She takes front row center:  always ready, willing and waiting patiently.  Sometimes, Miyagi and I are still eating breakfast on the dining table and we can see Honeygirl on the couch, looking at us. She is saying with her eyes “Mama, papa, I am ready for family time.”  

Well-adjusted to her new best friend

Honeygirl is peaceful, and courteous.  She and Cutie Pie became best friends almost instantly and they go everywhere together.  They even sleep in the same pet bed at night.  We now have so many pet beds in different sizes and colors I think we can open a pet bed shop.  Honeygirl appears to be the perfect dog.  She is non-invasive, quiet, loves to snuggle with Miyagi.  She is considered papa’s dog …. Until one day, she saw papa discipline Jellybean. 

She saw Jellybean rebel

Honeygirl with Cocoabean

One night, when I called out to the gang to go to sleep, Jellybean had refused to go to bed after we gave instructions to the gang to do so. Usually they all would head to their own bed because they already know the routine. But on that faithful day, Jellybean decided she didn’t want to go to bed. She wouldn’t budge. I told her 3 times to go to her bed. She flat out refused and stayed in the living room. Miyagi called out to her in a more audible and stern tone. Still, she refused to move. Oh boy! It was showtime.

Witnessing the discipline

Miyagi had to discipline Jellybean that day. He would never let rebellion slide. It wasn’t in his character. The dogs were about to find out just what happens when one of them decides to test papa’s patience. So Miyagi put Jellybean on a very short leash and just stood there next to Jellybean. He did not say one word to Jellybean. He just stood there holding the leash. Each time Jellybean tried to walk away, she couldn’t. She was on a very short leash. After about 20 minutes or so, Miyagi took her off the leash. I then said “Jellybean, go to sleep.” With that, she marched straight to her bed. Mission accomplished.

Jumping ship to mama

Papa’s toughness that day, I think, gave Honeygirl a different view of him.  The next day, something changed. We have family time with our dogs everyday. This is where we sit on the couch and play with them. They like lots of hugs and belly rubs. So we reserve an hour a day to do that with them. So the next morning during family time, Miyagi picked Honeygirl up  and put her next to him as usual. However, Honeygirl did not want to stay by him. He did that three times.   But each time, she would get up quietly and walk over to me and snuggle up to me.  Wow. the unthinkable happened. Honeygirl is officially not happy with papa.    Papa looks at me.  I said, “She no longer thinks you are all that and a bag of chips. I think she has just jumped ship.”    Honeygirl was now officially scared of papa.   I could not help but laugh at the whole ordeal.

Back to normal

It took a few days for Honeygirl to be comfortable with Miyagi again. But eventually it happened. She went back to papa. What can I say? She is papa’s girl. All was forgiven. Honeygirl was his lap dog again. Life resumes as usual. Man, our kids are just so much fun. We cannot get enough of them. Honeygirl is still the most fragile of the bunch. Whenever she is scared, she runs under the bed. She will never demand or rebel, her thing is to run and hide if someone tries to rock the boat.

Honey girl’s personality:  angelic

Favorite food:  chicken and cheese

Role in this house: play  companion to Cutie Pie and leg warmer for papa

Her motto in life:  I just want to be where you are

Voted by the gang  “most likely to become a nun.”

Honeygirl is fart-free. But if your dog isn’t, here is a product that can help.

All Things Pets and Their Needs

All things pets and their needs brings you wonderful finds for your pets. These are hidden products that are not sold in stores and they are here to benefit your best friend: your pet. Because you love your pet like family, your pet deserves the very best of everything. Here are some honorable mentions:

All Things Pets and Their Needs

Products the Help our Pets: There are ways to increase the quality and quantity of your pet’s life. Here is an incredible find to help your pets live better and happier. You will be pleasantly surprised to find out what they are. See the details and access these finds for your Pets Here:

Because we love our pets so much, we want them to live longer and be happy. We have found a product that will surely add quality to their lives, especially for the older dogs and cats. They will be playing like puppies and kittens again.

Our pets enhance our lives. So we do well to take good care of them and make sure they live a long and happy life. When you see how this product gives them new energy, you will be amazed. Because your pets are your family, they deserve nothing but the very best. You will see a noticeable difference. Your pet will thank you. And you will be glad you did.

This section is about your dogs and cats’ quality of life. It is about their longevity. It is about their happiness and wellness. In essence, when you care enough to give them the very best, we are there to help. Do visit here often for new findings.

Here is a fun story about our first dog: Jellybean.

Cocoabean, also known as Big Momma

Cocoabean, aka Big Momma

Man, I am so going to like writing about Cocoabean, also known as Big Momma because she is such a character. You see, when we decided to find a playpal that is the same size as Jellybean, we had no idea that we would end up with Cocoabean. Big Momma has such a peculiar personality.  When we first brought her home, she was slightly lighter than Jellybean.  But then we found out she has a see-food diet.  When she sees food, she will eat, anytime, anywhere. Every day, at mealtime, she will clean her plate at record speed. Then she will move over to the plate next to her and help finish somebody else’s plate.  It’s almost as if she decides “well, looks like you can’t finish your food or you are eating too slow or I am still hungry so I need some of yours.”  

This insatiable appetite of hers made her gain 3 pounds in 3 weeks.  The vet said we need to limit her food intake. I do.  I just need to make sure she doesn’t have access to the other dogs’ food.  Hence, she earned the nickname “Big Momma.”

Cocoabean with Jellybean

She also looks like Batman.  She is so hilarious to watch.  Every day we have family time on the couch.  That means papa, mama and all 5 dogs/kids are together enjoying each other’s company.  We talk to them, rub their bellies, make sure all 5 gets lots of attention and affection.  We don’t want them to end up on Oprah’s show one day claiming they were neglected and suffered psychological damages.  

But sometimes,  Big Momma decides 2 minutes of family time is enough for her. She sees her toy bone, jumps off the couch to get it and plays with her bone on the other side of the living room.  Oh how rude!  Miyagi utters “anti-social” and I just laugh.  Big Momma don’t need family time.  She just wants her bone.

One thing I wish she would stop doing in the morning is jump on my stomach when I am still in bed.  When she and all 16 pounds of her decides to greet me by jumping on my tummy, she doesn’t realize she has the ability to smash my stomach or rupture a nearby spleen. I have to gently push her off of me so that I can breathe again.  Please Big Momma, restrain your ecstasy.  My stomach cannot handle it. And you are libel to crack a rib. Geez, mun!

But all in all, we love Big Momma and all 16 pounds of her. She is lovable and huggable. But she doesn’t need friends nor family time. She needs alone time with her bone. Here is her stats:

Cocoabean in car ride

Cocoabean’s personality:  peculiar

Favorite food:  everything on her plate and yours

Role in this house: makes sure normal daily routines are altered and disrupted on a regular basis because “girls just wanna have fun and eat.”

Motto in life: I eat until I sleep

Voted: most likely to be related to batman

Is all this reading making you hungry? Ok snack time.

Click here for some tasty and nutritious Protein Popcorn.  This is the kind that you will be happy if your kid ate the whole bag.  Or how about some tasty and wholesome cookies.

Awesome Gifts

These Awesome Gifts are great gifts for those people who seemed to have everything. Here, you will find gadgets, toys, gift sets and things not found in the brick-and-mortar stores. How nice that you can do all your gift shopping at the comfort of your own home.

awesome gifts

This is where you will find that special something for those really hard-to-shop-for people in your life. From children to adults, you will find incredible gadgets and toys and will save so much time and money. These gifts are fun and entertaining. And they are sure to please.

Awesome Gifts for Entertaining and Entertainment!

Here at Awesome gifts, you will find new updated offers regularly. New trends, styles, novelty, things that you never knew about, and so much more will be right here on this page in this site. (So don’t forget to bookmark this page.) Shopping ought to be exciting and not a drudgery. And here, we make all things fun. Enjoy !!

Incredible Ideas to save you time and money

Firstly, we put together these incredible finds so that shopping for gifts become stress-free and fun. Also, it allows one to shop without feeling rushed or pressure. Shopping here is pure enjoyment.

Secondly, we can even help with those special occasions that just popped up where running to the store would be time-consuming and taxing. Who knew that shopping for that coming-up-soon birthday party or anniversary party could be so easy and stress-free.

Thirdly, everyone loves these gift ideas and gadgets. It takes all the guess work out of it. You will be amazed and inspired. So be ready for some fun.

So, let your gift-shopping journey start here. And know that you are about to put a great big smile on somebody’s face. So please, shop with ease, comfort, and joy. You will be glad you stopped by today.

Click HERE to start you shopping journey.

Shopping will never be the same for you again

Once upon a time, shopping was a real drag for me. Lots of walking and dragging all the products back to my car. It was a lot of work and after 3 hours of walking and looking for what I needed, I was dog tired. My feet hurt. I was sweating. My head was dizzy because I forgot to eat. And shopping became too much work.

Then, the internet appeared. And shopping on sites like the one you are on right now makes shopping so much easier. You don’t even have to leave your house. You just press a few buttons to select what you want and they ship the stuff to your house. Wow. I love it. And I think you will too. Enjoy your journey. Make sure you have a cup of your favorite beverage right next to you. And when you need a break, you can read about my dogs. They are so much fun. Here is the link to Jellybean, my first dog. She is hilarious. I now can say ” I love shopping.”

Our Pets’ best products

Here are our pets’ best products, but can also be beneficial for you and me. We have found a product that helps our pets’ brain function as well as preventing the odor of pet farts.

Our pets’ best products are for dogs like Jellybean
  • Bran (pronounced Bray-n). This brain product is loved by pets for the taste and loved by pet owners for the benefit. Just one snap and your dog will be running to you.
  • Stop the Stink of Dog Farts: This product is good for our pet as well as us humans. Whoever is fartful will find this product beneficial to eliminate the stink. You got to try it to believer it. The solution is here. So stink no more.

How important is your pet to you?

Every pet lover wants the best for their pets because they are family. We all want them to be healthy emotionally and mentally. Their happiness is prime. And at the same time, we want them to be pleasant to be around and to cuddle with. This product does that and helps them to combat bad moods and lack of desire to play.

Our pets’ best products found on this site will help with arthritis, pain, aging and regulating their bodies. The Brain Food product alone will help them tackle depression and anxiety. If you love your pet just as if he is family, wouldn’t you want the very best for him?


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Women’s Sport Apparel that is worth wearing is here: We have discovered something amazing for the World Sport Apparel . This is proof that you can solve an issue, and make it turn into a business. We have been fond of the creations found here. And couldn’t be more proud of the NFL Team she chose to represent. See some incredible Women’s Sport Apparel Here:

There are so many options when it comes to clothing. Online shopping is actually a huge help for us all. Sure, you need to figure out your size. And once you do, ordering and reordering becomes a breeze. You can keep up with the styles, the seasons and the trends.

These are incredible savings, and the shops have no retail overheads and labor to cover. So the pricing is way better, and for better clothing in almost every case. If you are not an online shopping for clothing you are missing out. And if you are, then you just found some great options for your wardrobe.

Happy shopping everyone! We have to wear clothes, so we might as well enjoy it. Express yourself and do it on a budget. When you buy, they send you discounts and offers all the time. It is a great way to get more for your money.

Are you an animal lover?

Here is a fun story about my first dog, Jellybean. I hope you will enjoy reading about her as much as I enjoy writing about her. She just showed up one day and became a part of our forever family.