Tutoring Services available online

One of my passions in life is to help students learn new things. Therefore, I offer tutoring services available online in ESL, reading, math and conversational Cantonese. It is watching their eyes open because they have just gained new knowledge. Or seeing the excitement in their faces when they finally receive understanding on a new concept. I have been tutoring elementary children in reading, math and conversational Cantonese for a few years now. And I found this to be one of the most rewarding experiences that I could ever have.

kid doing homework

An example on Reading

This is a real life example in my tutoring services available online. Let’s use a different name, say Patrick. Patrick is a very bright 3rd grader. I have been tutoring him in reading for the past year or so. But one day, his mother told me that he is struggling with a school assignment. He didn’t know how to write a paragraph. Hence, I said “no problem. We can work on that in our next session.” So when I met with Patrick, I shared with him the hamburger method in writing a paragraph.

The Hamburger Method

A hamburger has 2 slices of bread and a beef patty inside and maybe a slice of tomato, a slice of cheese, a piece of lettuce and so forth. For a hamburger to be good, it has to have all these elements. If the hamburger only has the 2 slices of bread and just a piece of lettuce, it would not be a good hamburger at all. So I used this analogy to explain to Patrick the similarity in writing a paragraph.

little girl smiling and working on a computer

A good paragraph needs to have a topic sentence (the top slice of bread), and at least 3 supporting details (the hamburger, cheese, tomato) and a concluding sentence (the bottom slice of bread). If the paragraph did not have enough supporting details in the middle, it wouldn’t be a very good paragraph. Much like a hamburger that lacks the hamburger patty or tomato or cheese or any two of the three items, it would not be a good hamburger.

Then we started writing paragraphs together. We worked on a few of them. And then a great, big smile came on his face. The lightbulb went on and he understood. He said “thank you, Ms. Wendy. I think I got it. I understand now how to write a paragraph.” I was very happy to hear that. Mission accomplished. My tutoring services paid off, with the help of my google slide presentation, of course. So if your child is struggling with some aspect in reading, maybe I can help.

Links to the different subjects I tutor

I am including links to my online Tutoring services at the bottom of this page. My tutoring services are in the subjects of ESL, reading, math, and conversational Cantonese (a foreign language). The age range that I specialize in is from age 5-9. For conversational Cantonese, there is no age limits. If your child speaks English and needs tutoring in reading, go ahead and sign up on with the ESL link. I can cater the tutoring session to his needs and pace since these are private one-on-one sessions.

Click here to sign up for tutoring in ESL or reading.

Conversational Cantonese

cartoon family in front of computer

Another subject that I offer tutoring services in is conversational Cantonese for children as well as adults who do not currently speak the language. In addition, I also give family lessons on this language. Click here for more information and to contact me regarding conversational Cantonese classes.