Questions to God by kids

Here is a collection of questions for God by kids. A group of little children was asked what comes to mind if they could ask God one thing. Their answers were recorded. I think that you will find it amusing as I did. Sometimes, kids just say the funniest things.

Here comes the questions to God…

Dear God: Thank you for my new baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy. Love, Jamie

Dear God: In school, Sally said a bad word. Does she still get to go to heaven? Love, Lucy

Dear God: In church, I learned that you did many great things on earth. Who takes over for you when you are on vacation? Love, Joey

Dear God: I keep hearing mom tell my older brother not to use the F word. The only F words I know are family, fun and food. Which one was he using? Love, Henry

Dear God: Daddy used his bowling words at home today. Please forgive him. He didn’t mean to. He just cannot help himself. Love, Mikey

Dear God: I think you have a really cool name. I know because people in church pray to you all the time. They say “Father in heaven, Harold be your name.” Love Johnny.

And a few more….

Dear God: Today in church, I learn that you made everything, including all the fruits and vegetables. Does this mean I have to eat broccoli? Love, Lindsey

Dear God: My friend Jason at school doesn’t have a daddy. Is it ok if I let him borrow mine for one day? He promised to give him back. Love, George

Dear God: Why do grown-ups say stuff like “when pigs fly.” Everybody know that pigs cannot fly because they are too fat. Love, Kurt

Dear God: When I grow up, I want to be a doctor…. or a dinosaur. Love, Manny

Dear God: Why do birds fly? Why is the sky blue? Why is my brother so mean to me? I don’t know why. Please help me. Love, Joyce

Dear God: Where do babies come from? Nobody will tell me. Love, Kendra

Dear God: Mom showed me a picture of her with a big stomach. I ask her why it was like that. She said this was when my little brother was inside her. Did she eat him? Love, Lolly

Dear God: Dad said grandpa is in heaven where you are. If you see him, can you tell him i said “hi?” Love, Billy

Ok, time for a snack break.

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