Know that your dogs LOVE you

It is one thing to know that you love your dogs.  It is entirely another to know that your dogs love you. Yesterday, I was playing with the dogs (we have 4 adults and 4 puppies).  Kaki-Mochi (aka Mochi) who is one of the 3 month old is a little aggressive at times.  She has very sharp teeth.  Besides, she and CharSiuBao are teething.  So they will bite and chew anything they can get their teeth into.  

A fabulous realization

Yesterday, I was petting Mochi when all of a sudden, she bit my finger.  She was looking for something soft to chew on.  When she bit my finger, it did not penetrate the skin, but I felt a little sting.  And I decided to put on a show.  I started whimpering and crying, pretending that I was hurt.  I was holding my index finger and kissing it as I whimpered.  At that immediate moment, the rest of the dogs all came rushing to my rescue.  They all came by my side and looked up at me with utter concern, as if to say “mama, are you okay?”    They really thought I was hurt.  Mika (the 6-month old over-grown puppy) went as far as providing first-aid by licking my wound.   

Utter relief

Looking at my troubled dogs, I said to them “thank you everyone for caring about mama. I am ok.”  I show them my finger.  “See, no blood.”  There was a need to relieve them of the stressful situation.  I almost felt bad that I made them feel so concern over nothing. Anyway, right after I told them I was ok,   everyone was at ease at that point and went back to their play.  That was when I realized that these dogs really do love their mama.  I had not even realized the degree of their love until that day.   I later told Miyagi (my husband) the story because he was not in the room at the time.  He seemed amazed at that too.

Sometimes I think about the love that dogs have for their masters.  I know that they are willing to risk their lives to save their masters.  I know they work hard to protect their masters daily from potential predators.  These are just animals, but their loyalty to their masters is incredible. 

I don’t know how many people in the world have this type of loyalty among even their human family and friends, but we have it with our dogs.  I am learning that the time and love Miyagi and I invest in our fur-load is not in vain nor wasted.  These dogs truly are precious to us.  If they leap at the thought of my hurt little finger, what will they do when true predators are present?

Genuine love between man and dogs

This is why Miyagi and I have family time with the 8 babies/dogs every single day.  Our babies need to know papa and mama love them and want to spend time with them.  They are not just here to occupy space or guard the house.  This furload is not a burden nor an annoyance.   They are our family, our kids.  We are cultivating a relationship with our dogs that only gets deeper each day.  My husband and I love these dogs so much. We got their back because we already know they got ours.  

Dogs are truly man’s best friend.  With our dogs, they have become truly our family.  

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