Honeygirl, the sweetheart

Honeygirl, the sweetheart is a white Terrier Mix.   She is quiet, non-demanding and the sweetest lap dog in town. All she wants is to be on your lap. She likes lots of petting and lots of attention. Unlike Jellybean and Cocoabean, her daily aspiration is to sit next to Miyagi or on his lap so that she can get pet by him..  Because Honeygirl is so attached to papa, she is papa’s favorite.  He picks her up and puts her on his lap whenever possible and she just lays there in dog heaven.  She can be there for hours and often ends up falling asleep because she feels so safe with papa.  At family time, she is always the first one ready. She takes front row center:  always ready, willing and waiting patiently.  Sometimes, Miyagi and I are still eating breakfast on the dining table and we can see Honeygirl on the couch, looking at us. She is saying with her eyes “Mama, papa, I am ready for family time.”  

Well-adjusted to her new best friend

Honeygirl is peaceful, and courteous.  She and Cutie Pie became best friends almost instantly and they go everywhere together.  They even sleep in the same pet bed at night.  We now have so many pet beds in different sizes and colors I think we can open a pet bed shop.  Honeygirl appears to be the perfect dog.  She is non-invasive, quiet, loves to snuggle with Miyagi.  She is considered papa’s dog …. Until one day, she saw papa discipline Jellybean. 

She saw Jellybean rebel

Honeygirl with Cocoabean

One night, when I called out to the gang to go to sleep, Jellybean had refused to go to bed after we gave instructions to the gang to do so. Usually they all would head to their own bed because they already know the routine. But on that faithful day, Jellybean decided she didn’t want to go to bed. She wouldn’t budge. I told her 3 times to go to her bed. She flat out refused and stayed in the living room. Miyagi called out to her in a more audible and stern tone. Still, she refused to move. Oh boy! It was showtime.

Witnessing the discipline

Miyagi had to discipline Jellybean that day. He would never let rebellion slide. It wasn’t in his character. The dogs were about to find out just what happens when one of them decides to test papa’s patience. So Miyagi put Jellybean on a very short leash and just stood there next to Jellybean. He did not say one word to Jellybean. He just stood there holding the leash. Each time Jellybean tried to walk away, she couldn’t. She was on a very short leash. After about 20 minutes or so, Miyagi took her off the leash. I then said “Jellybean, go to sleep.” With that, she marched straight to her bed. Mission accomplished.

Jumping ship to mama

Papa’s toughness that day, I think, gave Honeygirl a different view of him.  The next day, something changed. We have family time with our dogs everyday. This is where we sit on the couch and play with them. They like lots of hugs and belly rubs. So we reserve an hour a day to do that with them. So the next morning during family time, Miyagi picked Honeygirl up  and put her next to him as usual. However, Honeygirl did not want to stay by him. He did that three times.   But each time, she would get up quietly and walk over to me and snuggle up to me.  Wow. the unthinkable happened. Honeygirl is officially not happy with papa.    Papa looks at me.  I said, “She no longer thinks you are all that and a bag of chips. I think she has just jumped ship.”    Honeygirl was now officially scared of papa.   I could not help but laugh at the whole ordeal.

Back to normal

It took a few days for Honeygirl to be comfortable with Miyagi again. But eventually it happened. She went back to papa. What can I say? She is papa’s girl. All was forgiven. Honeygirl was his lap dog again. Life resumes as usual. Man, our kids are just so much fun. We cannot get enough of them. Honeygirl is still the most fragile of the bunch. Whenever she is scared, she runs under the bed. She will never demand or rebel, her thing is to run and hide if someone tries to rock the boat.

Honey girl’s personality:  angelic

Favorite food:  chicken and cheese

Role in this house: play  companion to Cutie Pie and leg warmer for papa

Her motto in life:  I just want to be where you are

Voted by the gang  “most likely to become a nun.”

Honeygirl is fart-free. But if your dog isn’t, here is a product that can help.