Cocoabean, also known as Big Momma

Cocoabean, aka Big Momma

Man, I am so going to like writing about Cocoabean, also known as Big Momma because she is such a character. You see, when we decided to find a playpal that is the same size as Jellybean, we had no idea that we would end up with Cocoabean. Big Momma has such a peculiar personality.  When we first brought her home, she was slightly lighter than Jellybean.  But then we found out she has a see-food diet.  When she sees food, she will eat, anytime, anywhere. Every day, at mealtime, she will clean her plate at record speed. Then she will move over to the plate next to her and help finish somebody else’s plate.  It’s almost as if she decides “well, looks like you can’t finish your food or you are eating too slow or I am still hungry so I need some of yours.”  

This insatiable appetite of hers made her gain 3 pounds in 3 weeks.  The vet said we need to limit her food intake. I do.  I just need to make sure she doesn’t have access to the other dogs’ food.  Hence, she earned the nickname “Big Momma.”

Cocoabean with Jellybean

She also looks like Batman.  She is so hilarious to watch.  Every day we have family time on the couch.  That means papa, mama and all 5 dogs/kids are together enjoying each other’s company.  We talk to them, rub their bellies, make sure all 5 gets lots of attention and affection.  We don’t want them to end up on Oprah’s show one day claiming they were neglected and suffered psychological damages.  

But sometimes,  Big Momma decides 2 minutes of family time is enough for her. She sees her toy bone, jumps off the couch to get it and plays with her bone on the other side of the living room.  Oh how rude!  Miyagi utters “anti-social” and I just laugh.  Big Momma don’t need family time.  She just wants her bone.

One thing I wish she would stop doing in the morning is jump on my stomach when I am still in bed.  When she and all 16 pounds of her decides to greet me by jumping on my tummy, she doesn’t realize she has the ability to smash my stomach or rupture a nearby spleen. I have to gently push her off of me so that I can breathe again.  Please Big Momma, restrain your ecstasy.  My stomach cannot handle it. And you are libel to crack a rib. Geez, mun!

But all in all, we love Big Momma and all 16 pounds of her. She is lovable and huggable. But she doesn’t need friends nor family time. She needs alone time with her bone. Here is her stats:

Cocoabean in car ride

Cocoabean’s personality:  peculiar

Favorite food:  everything on her plate and yours

Role in this house: makes sure normal daily routines are altered and disrupted on a regular basis because “girls just wanna have fun and eat.”

Motto in life: I eat until I sleep

Voted: most likely to be related to batman

Is all this reading making you hungry? Ok snack time.

Click here for some tasty and nutritious Protein Popcorn.  This is the kind that you will be happy if your kid ate the whole bag.  Or how about some tasty and wholesome cookies.